As i’m struggling with it each time, here is how to proceed from a fresh install.

Create ssh key

# SHA256 key generation
ssh-keygen -C ""
# Change rights access, else ssh-add will complain about it
chmod 400 ~/.ssh/
# Start ssh-agent
ssh-agent bash
# Add private key to authentication agent
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa

Add it to your github account (Settings > SSH and GPG keys > New SSh key).

Now, create the repo on github (Your repositories > New, ex: remidebord/Ethereum-scan) and rename the main branch “master” instead of “main”.

Back on the prompt, go to your project folder and create (initialize) a git repo

cd ~/scripts
git init

Add git remote repo path (ex: Ethereum-scan)

git remote add origin

Could be checked with

red@DESKTOP-QD37HPC:~/scripts$ git remote -v
origin (fetch)
origin (push)

Sync with remote repo

git pull origin master

Add your files, commit and push

git add *
git commit -m "Add scripts"
git push --set-upstream origin master

The next times you can simply use after the commit creation/amend

git push
